Loly’s next shows in Switzerland: May 12 and May 15, 2019

 In Loly Toirac solo performances

Loly performs in Switzerland on May 12 and 15

Loly will be back in Switzerland for two more solo shows on May 12 and May 15, 2019. Don’t miss this chance to see him perform live!

Celebrate Mother’s Day with Loly

On Sunday, May 12, he’ll be performing his original tunes and other Latin favourites at Restaurant Pizzeria Vorstädtli in Aegerten near Biel. Join him there for an afternoon of great food, music and dancing – bachata, salsa, cumbia, merengue, bolero and cha-cha-cha! The afternoon gets underway at 12 o’clock noon.

Of course, May 12 is not just any Sunday, it’s Mother’s Day. Cubans really go all out to celebrate mothers, not just their own mothers, but all mothers, on Mother’s Day! For a special treat, bring your mother, your friends and family and their mothers and join Loly in celebrating Mother’s Day Cuban-style!

Wednesday night at the bar

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, Loly will be singing at  Bar Restaurant Löwen in Hausen am Albis, starting at 8 PM. Drop by for an evening of music, drinks and dancing to get you over the midweek hump!



Loly Toirac performs in Hausen am Albis, Switzerland on May 15, 2019.





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