Happy Birthday, Loly!

 In Loly Toirac

Happy Birthday, Loly!

Loly Toirac in BaracoaToday is Loly’s birthday.  He was born on a very

special day in Cuba – the anniversary of the birth of

Cuban national hero and influential presence in

Latin American literature, Jose Marti.

Loly grew up on his grandmother’s farm with his

siblings.  In his song, “El Arroyo de la Sierra”, he

sings of life there.

Have a listen to this demo recording of Loly y sus

Atrevidos de la Bachata performing “El Arroyo de la Sierra”.


From the end of the road, it is a long hike to Loly’s childhood home – first

beside and through the stream and then a long way uphill.  Take a look at some

photos from Loly’s most recent visit there with some of his bandmates.




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Loly Toirac Baracoa, Cuba