Greetings from Loly y Sus Atrevidos de la Bachata

 In New Music

Life during the pandemic

During this pandemic, Loly y sus Atrevidos de la Bachata are doing their part by staying home and obeying local regulations. Like everyone, they miss their friends and loved ones whom they cannot spend time with now. They miss making music together and look forward to the day when they can play together again and get back to performing for their fans and introducing new audiences to their music. Until then, they hope that  everybody will take good care of themselves and stay well. Together we can build a better future!

A new song from Loly

Reflecting on the pandemic has inspired Loly to write a new song. While he sings of the difficult times that we are experiencing during the pandemic and serious issues that we encounter in our world today, his underlying message is one of love- love of life and love for the planet, of the importance of recognizing the value of the lives of each and every one of us and, above all, of hope for a better tomorrow. The song’s title says it all – we are all important.

To share it with you, he made this video. Have a listen to this personal message from Loly and his new song, “Todos somos imprescindibles”.



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